Legal Solvent Traps Cleaning Kits and Consumer Protection
Solvent Trap Consumer Protection
Foreign Purchase Warning for Consumers
As a consumer in the solvent trap market, it’s important to ask the right questions prior to purchasing online. You should understand why certain US solvent trap companies have been shut down, why others still operate, and which specific companies will continue to operate. You should also understand why those who purchase solvent traps overseas are visited by the ATF and receive a letter from the U.S government regarding illegal products they have ordered online from companies they believed to be legitimate. These questions are far more important, as opposed to saving a few dollars by ordering illegal solvent traps that are also made from weak diluted metal composites.
Illegal foreign solvent traps are permeating the US market, and a majority of them are illegal. These foreign solvent traps are not vetted, nor do these companies have U.S attorneys or former Special Agents and specialists to ensure legal solvent traps are being engineered for legal U.S purchase. These same foreign solvent traps contain inferior and diluted metals, and poor finishes. More importantly, they contain clear and unclear characteristics deemed to show ‘constructive intent’ by regulators. This is very important to understand when you shop around for solvent trap solutions.
Although there are solvent traps that may look similar to our product from a design and aesthetics standpoint, does not mean they are engineered the same. For instance, the products listed on our site are released first and only sold via our website. A great example is our AD Radial-8 Adaptive Solvent Trap, which foreign companies have not even attempted to manufacture. This is because engineering such a lightweight solvent trap cleaning kit with high-grade materials that has such complex designs is proven far too difficult to clone and sell as an illegal and counterfeited product.
Even legitimate U.S sources such as firearm and non-firearm auction sites, as well as broker and listing sites are littered with illegal foreign solvent traps sold by their subscribers who list them on these outlets. Even Armory Den products have been cloned and listed on these same reputable auction and listing sites. We process complaints to protect consumers, but it is extremely difficult to get timely a resolution and/or response. The reason foreign companies choose to clone our products with weak materials and illegal versions, are because we dominate search engines. **Armory Den only sells products via our website**
Source A Reputable & Knowledgeable Company
Armory Den is one of the most reputable and trusted solvent trap cleaning solution companies listed on Page 1 of Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo. Any company, counterfeiter, or scammer can easily create a Paid Advertisement in a matter of seconds, but being listed on Page 1 of organic search results takes time, reputability and long-term investment. Companies with long-term views invest in such a thing. Google and other prominent and respected search engines will only show the most reputable companies who sell products consumers can trust, as well as relevant and reliable information.
Foreign companies will advertise their products as legal, simply because they do not know any better, and because they are not legally bound to U.S laws. To them you are a sale and a number on their analytics reports. If you happen to receive one of their illegal solvent traps, you may end up with a knock at your door from the ATF, and/or receive a letter from the U.S government – A risk and headache you don’t want!
Meanwhile, the foreign company who sold you the product will have zero repercussion. Overseas sales are monitored by the ATF through Customs, whether you believe it or not.
There are also companies in the U.S who sell illegal solvent traps, simply because they do not understand what makes a solvent trap legal vs. illegal. These companies will eventually be shut down, and you don’t want to be listed as one of their customers!
This information is to help our consumers make a well-informed decision prior to purchasing a solvent trap online.